5 Panels Setup So Far
Pterodactyl Full Setup Installation:
Install The panel + daemon
UFW Setup
Let's Encrypt(SSL)
PhpMyAdmin Setup
Price: 5.0$
Other Services:
Bungeecord Setup(Minecraft): 2$
GMod Server Setup: 2$
Upgrade Panel + Daemon: 1.5$
PhpMyAdmin Setup: 2$
UFW Setup: 2$
Let's Encrypt(SSL) Setup: 2$
Pterodactyl Full Setup Installation:
Install The panel + daemon
UFW Setup
Let's Encrypt(SSL)
PhpMyAdmin Setup
Price: 5.0$
Other Services:
Bungeecord Setup(Minecraft): 2$
GMod Server Setup: 2$
Upgrade Panel + Daemon: 1.5$
PhpMyAdmin Setup: 2$
UFW Setup: 2$
Let's Encrypt(SSL) Setup: 2$
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