This update necessitates a complete installation of all files from the beginning. Therefore, if you currently possess existing player data, we strongly recommend refraining from proceeding with this update!
What Changed?
With the update of the CustomFishing plugin, we got the opportunity to enhance the configurations for both ItemsAdder and Oraxen, significantly improving the overall functionality of the fishing pack. But, what exactly changed, and what got added to the fishing pack?
1) Fish are now star-based as in the plugin itself: (normal, silver, golden)
2) Fish now have a size, which will scale with their selling price in the custom fishing market 3) Since customfishing in 2.0 got direct support for Itemsadder and Oraxen we proceeded to use the direct hook for the plugins instead of using the CustomModelData method, which could have potential issues when the resourcepack would change.
4) FIX minigames and events: The new configs fixed any previous error of the minigames and events not working.
5) Lava Fishing: Blazord Jellyfish, Lava Anthias, Obsidianfish, Magma Trout, Molten Coralfish, Warped Shrimp, Crimson Bubblefish, and Blue Eel got moved from regular fishing to lava fishing with its unique minigame
6) CHANGE Fishing with Bait: Now the users are required to have at least x1 of any kind of bait or else it will give them rubbish
7) New textures for the fishing compass and hook