Hello, I'm a part of a practice 1v1 clan called "OTF". Most of us have large youtube channels. We were just in the works of a practice server, but the person we partnered with screwed up. He got the wrong plugin, but luckly we got all of our money back. We are looking for experienced developers/owners to work with on a HCF Practice server, we have many other ideas so we are looking to branch out into a network after the release of practice.
We are both Offering and Requesting help.
If you already have a Network with practice: We are able to come on, help you with anything (perfect knockback/hit detection/testing), we have $ so we are able to help pay for things. We have a staff team already setup, so We can use our ranks and fit whoever you would like into our already pre-existing staff team.
If you already have a Network with practice: We are able to come on, help you with anything (perfect knockback/hit detection/testing), we have $ so we are able to help pay for things. We have a staff team already setup, so We can use our ranks and fit whoever you would like into our already pre-existing staff team.
If you do not have a Network made, we would be able to team up with experienced developers or server owners to start one. We would put in the same amount of money and start from scratch.
Our Connection's:
Most of us have decently large sub amounts, plus view counts. But outside our group, we have alot of connections. Our connections include VanillaRaids (https://www.youtube.com/user/VanillaRaids), Adios (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgBU4ix82MLOxLan6G68Z7Q), PhilipMyCup (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8_8SChLc4wkBqviafhDNGw). We are also great friends with Dreamer_420 and Dewplexy (both around 6k on youtube). Any others that I would explain in detail If you are looking to do business.Our Staff Team + Youtube Channels:
Manager: Zayji: Zayji has a Youtube channel with 3.1k subs on youtube. He has experience being Mod+ on the Kohi Network for 6 months before the merge with Badlion. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTQ7ETSRvL8bvGWZueUFwOw)
Manager: Cay: Cay has experience being mod on Kohi along with Zayji, he was only a Mod for the 3 months before the closing of Kohi.
Platform Admin: Cases: Cases was Mod+, close to becoming Admin on Kohi also. He was a Mod, then Mod+ for around a year until the end of Kohi (which no one wanted to continue and be staff on Badlion).
Platform Admin: Aabis: Aabis was a mod on Kohi for the 3 months before the Badlion merge. He has experience in both HCF and Practice, but all of this is mostly for Practice.
Plus many more with Youtube Channels hovering around 800 subs to 5k subs.
If you are looking to do business with us, contact my skype: zyastra or start a Conversation, then we can join a TS and talk.