AquaCore 3.1.5 Update
Fixed issue with starting core on 1.20.6
Fixed rank list showing ranks reversed
Made display name customizable
Added support for 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
Added a way to format coins
/reset <player> command
Thread stop error on stop
Permissions without a value by default as true
Config Changes:
Added player-display-name: "<prefix><rankColor><nameColor><player><suffix>&r" to settings.yml
Added to language.yml:
USAGE: "{prefix} &cUse: /reset <player>"
KICK: "&cYour data has been reset, please re-join."
SUCCESS: "{prefix} &b<player>&e's data has been reset successfully!"
Set permissions through a GUI /setperm
Fixed bungee permissions weren't saving properly
Fixed 2FA wasn't working
Tags menu weren't opening on 1.7
LuckPerms ranks and users import
Make able to disable an inherited permission by setting a permission's value to false
Added Staff-Mode and Build-Mode action bars
Made all action bar types toggleables
Off-hand items support
Some code refactored
Config Changes
ACTION-BAR.STAFF-MODE on messages.yml, set to "&cYou're currently in &c&lStaff Mode&c!"
ACTION-BAR.BUILD-MODE on messages.yml, set to "&cYou're currently in &c&lBuild Mode&c!"
Added this section on settings.yml:
vanish: true
staff-mode: true
build-mode: true
Separated Proxy plugin from the Bukkit plugin
Disguises compatible up to 1.20.4
Custom heads on staff mode
Tag Categories
Added a way to disguise with a random skin or random rank.
Added 'StaffModeUpdateEvent'
Fixed GUIFreeze wasn't opening due to an async problem on newer versions
Changed code structure
Config Changes
Added a boolean path: tags-use-categories: true
Addded a string path: tags-with-category-command-list-format: " &b- &3<name> &a(&bT&7: <prefix>&a, &bW&7: &3<weight>&a, &bC&7: &3<category>&a)"
Added a string path: tag-categories-command-list-format: " &b- &3<name> &a(&bSlot&7: <slot>&a)"
Added a head as an string path on every item related settings/staffmode file section.
In tags.yml, all tags should be moved to tags section.
Moved skin-cache.json and data.yml to data folder.
Moved on-join.teleport.location to spawn in data/data.yml.
Moved on-join.teleport.enabled to just on-join.teleport.
Moved join-message to on-join.message.
Moved panic-message to panic.message.
=> Improved system of syncing global players throught network
=> Improved command system, you should no longer have issues executing multiple set permission commands with another plugin
=> Fixed ConcurrentModificationException occuring when updating multiple permissions for the player at the same time
=> Fixed /list all not working
=> Plugin has been tested on 1.20.1 version and everything is working as it should
Share any issues in #issues and suggestions in #suggestions. Priority will be given to addressing issues over suggestions. Join discord here