=> Fixed issue with corrupted jar file
=> Fixed issue with naming player in info menu
=> Fixed player head in profile menu
=> /profile will now open your own profile instead of showing command usage for /profile <name>
=> Profile menu will now show when the link of the media was last time updated (http://selmir.dev/image/Vzvoyyq0.png)
=> Fixed issue with 2FA and QR Code image loading for 1.12+ versions
=> Fixed punishments not getting removed from target's data if the player is online on subserver
=> Implemented social media system, each player can set their link for twitter, youtube, instagram and discord
=> To set social media, use /setmedia (permission: aqua.command.setmedia) command, to view someones profile, use /profile <name>
=> Fixed support for 1.7 spigots
=> Implemented action bar message which will display if you're vanished (you can edit this message in messages.yml)
=> Spigot versions from 1.7 to 1.19 are now supported
=> Improved loading, saving and handling rank system in the core
=> Changed way of saving player punishments, please NOTE that all previous punishments will be wiped/not loaded from your current database structure
=> You can now use colored name of the player being punished in punish messages
=> Fixed executed punishments not being updated right away for the user which executed the punishment
=> New/All placeholders for punish messages
- <user> - will return real name of the user being punished
- <sender> - will return sender's name
- <punisherName> - will return the name of punisher user - disguise apply
- <punishedName> - will return the name of punished user - disguise apply
- <punisherColoredName> - will return colored name of punisher user - disguise apply
- <punishedColoredName> - will return colored name of punished user - disguise apply
- <punisherPrefix> - will return rank prefix of punisher user
- <punishedPrefix> - will return rank prefix of punished user
=> Delay of 1 second has been added between using staffmode items
=> You should configure your staffmode.yml so items match your server version or delete it to generate default one which matches all versions
=> Default messages.yml is configured with new placeholders, old placeholders will still work but they might not return any colors/prefixes
=> Disguise is currently not supported on 1.12+ versions and I can't promise if it is going to be in the near future, console will state that disguise related commands have been disabled
=> Fixed staffrollback always pointing at Console as an executor
=> You can now use "all" as argument in /stafrollback command, this will rollback all performed punishments of specified user
=> API regarding punishments data has been changed and updated on https://github.com/FaceSlap02/AquaCoreAPI/wiki/Developer-API
=> If you're using bungee, please update your AquaCore version on all server instances
=> Fixed null pointer exception when you're not using redis and plugin is trying to send request to bungee