(Factions) - What would your perfect Factions/HCF Core look like!


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Hi there people of BBB!

I'm going to cut right to the chase, I am currently developing a core intended to be completely interchangeable between Factions and HCF. This core is not going to be integrating with FactionsUUID or any of its forks, I am writing it completely from the ground up.

Why am I doing this?
Well, we can all agree Plugins are expensive, so in the plugins I create I strive to not only provide quality - but also the best value for money I can. I believe a system like this could not only provide an excellent solution for existing Factions and HCF servers, but also potentially allow server owners to enter two server markets for the price of one with very minimal differences in setting up.

Why am I posting this?
To put it simply, I've noticed I am currently developing this blind. I believe for this to be successful I should be speaking to the community about what they'd like to see in a core like this.

So, my questions to you guys are:

  • What would stand out for you in a multi gamemode core like this?
  • What is something you'd love to see in this.
Once I complete this project, I will post it as a resource and allow users to purchase! I only started the project a few days ago however I have made significant progress already so I am now investigating what stand out features can be added! I have attached some images of proof that this is an ongoing project!

Thank you for your time!


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Feedback score

An exciting project! Developing a core that seamlessly integrates Factions and HCF is definitely a great idea, especially for server owners looking for flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Here are some thoughts and features that could help your core stand out:

1. Modular Design
Plugin Architecture: Allow server owners to enable/disable features easily. This way, they can customize their server experience based on player preferences without complicated setups.
2. Configuration Simplicity
User-Friendly Configs: Ensure that configuration files are straightforward, with clear comments and examples. Consider a web-based configuration tool for easier management.
3. Cross-Mode Compatibility
Shared Economy System: Implement a unified economy that can be utilized across both Factions and HCF, allowing for a seamless transition between the two game modes.
4. Advanced Permissions System
Granular Permissions: Create a permissions system that allows for detailed control over player actions across both modes, ensuring a tailored experience Ford Benefits for different roles (e.g., admins, members).
5. Dynamic Events
Event System: Introduce a customizable event system that can trigger different in-game events (like raids, tournaments, etc.) in both modes, promoting engagement.

Hope that helps!
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Feedback score

An exciting project! Developing a core that seamlessly integrates Factions and HCF is definitely a great idea, especially for server owners looking for flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Here are some thoughts and features that could help your core stand out:

1. Modular Design
Plugin Architecture: Allow server owners to enable/disable features easily. This way, they can customize their server experience based on player preferences without complicated setups.
2. Configuration Simplicity
User-Friendly Configs: Ensure that configuration files are straightforward, with clear comments and examples. Consider a web-based configuration tool for easier management.
3. Cross-Mode Compatibility
Shared Economy System: Implement a unified economy that can be utilized across both Factions and HCF, allowing for a seamless transition between the two game modes.
4. Advanced Permissions System
Granular Permissions: Create a permissions system that allows for detailed control over player actions across both modes, ensuring a tailored experience for different roles (e.g., admins, members).
5. Dynamic Events
Event System: Introduce a customizable event system that can trigger different in-game events (like raids, tournaments, etc.) in both modes, promoting engagement.

Hope that helps!

Thank you for your feedback!

The plugin features a modular design which will allow each gamemode and included events to be enabled and disabled. It's split into three Modules

  1. Common Module - This contains all the common code which is shared between both Factions and HCF (the logic behind creating a faction, storing its main data etc). It acts a dependency for both Factions and HCF and is permanently enabled
  2. HCF - This module contains the key functionality specific to HCF (Deaths until raidable etc)
  3. Factions - Contains the key functionality specific to Factions (Claiming with power etc)
The plan is then to add custom KoTHs and other events which will work with both and be fully configurable.

As things stand, the plugin is fully configurable

E.G messages.yml for the common module:
prefix: '&bAuraFactions &8»&f' help: [LIST] [*]'&7&m----------------------------------------' [*]'{prefix} List of commands:' [*]'&8» &f{commands}' [*]'&7&m----------------------------------------' [/LIST] faction: create: '{prefix} You have created a faction called {name}!' invite: received: '{prefix} You have received an invite from {faction}!' broadcast: '{prefix} {player} has invited {invited} to the faction!' deinvite: broadcast: '{prefix} {player} has deinvited {deinvited} from the faction!' received: '{prefix} You have been deinvited from the faction {faction}!' join: notify: '{prefix} You have joined {faction}!' broadcast: '{prefix} {player} has joined the faction!' disband: broadcast: '{prefix} {player} has disbanded the faction!' promote: broadcast: '{prefix} {target} has promoted {promoted} to {role} by {player}!' demote: broadcast: '{prefix} {target} has demoted {demoted} to {role} by {player}!' unclaim: broadcast: '{prefix} {player} has unclaimed {chunks} chunks! &7(&fRadius: {radius} from chunk X: {chunkX} Z: {chunkZ}&7)' unclaim-all: broadcast: '{prefix} {player} has unclaimed all chunks!' error: already-in-faction: '{prefix} You are already in a faction.' faction-name-taken: '{prefix} The faction name is already taken.' not-in-faction: '{prefix} You are not in a faction.' no-permission: '{prefix} Your faction does not allow you to do this.' invite: already-in-faction: '{prefix} The player is already in a faction.' self: '{prefix} You cannot invite yourself.' already-invited: '{prefix} The player is already invited.' deinvite: not-invited: '{prefix} The player is not invited.' faction-not-found: '{prefix} The faction {faction} was not found.' block-other-faction: '{prefix} You cannot manipulate blocks in {faction}''s claim.' block-own-faction: '{prefix} You cannot manipulate blocks in your faction''s claim.' target-not-in-your-faction: '{prefix} {player} is not in your faction.' target-same-role-or-higher: '{prefix} You cannot promote or demote someone with the same or higher role.' target-lowest-role: '{prefix} You cannot demote someone with the lowest role.' no-invite: '{prefix} You have not been invited to join {faction}!' no-claims-in-radius: '{prefix} There are no claims in the radius of {radius}!'

Your insight is very helpful! Thank you[/SPOILER]
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