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Configuration/server setup
Feedback score
Do you have a service network? Are you looking to maximize server profits? Hello, I'm Apex and I am looking to quire an entire service network. What we do is manage service networks to maximize server profits and we are currently looking to purchase entire service building networks. If you have a service network that
  • Creates Plugins
  • Sells Pre-Built Servers
  • Creates Maps
  • Sells PL Configurations
  • System Management
  • And other such sectors
We are looking to purchase your network, to be eligible to sell a network to us we look for 3 specific things
  • Have established team (with everything listed above)
  • Have an established customer base
  • Must be able to hand over all assets to a purchaser
Wait, before you change your mind. Listen, we are not looking to replace you in the network you have already created. We intend to stay and oversee the network you put your time and sweet into. The owner of the network would be able to keep their place within their network while receiving a % of profits and the amount of the original sale. One might wonder why to sell to us. Well our goal here is to
  • Maximize profits
  • Provide a stable income to the network
  • allow for the freelancers to have a higher established income
  • Provide stability to the inner working within the network.
If you are interested in selling a server setup service please contact us at TasteMehBlade#7282 on discord. Please no unproductive networks. Only serious inquires only.
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