Transaction disputes

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  • When dealing with any party, sometimes the transaction may reach an unexpected outcome for one or both parties involved or perhaps a product may not be delivered at all. Usually, the disagreement can be resolved between the involved parties, but in the cases where a resolution cannot be met, we offer Transaction Disputes. Please read our wiki on Trading Etiquette to understand how to reduce the possibility of a Transaction Dispute being needed by ensuring good communication of expectations.

    What is a transaction dispute?​

    When you believe a user has wronged you in a deal to the extent that a product or money is owed, you may open a Transaction Dispute so that a Transaction Arbiter can assist you in either receiving the correct product or receiving a refund where applicable.
    A Transaction Arbiter will ask for all relevant information and break down what exactly is the cause of conflict and help both parties come to either a resolution based on the deals Terms of Service, a mutual agreement, or enforce our Merchant Agreement where needed. In extreme circumstances where a user is required to send funds or send a product but refuses to do so and therefore refuses to cooperate with the Transaction Dispute, the user may be banned from the platform for scamming.

    When to open​

    Depending on the issue, you may be able to resolve the problem without creating a dispute. Before deciding to open a dispute, check that the following has been done, if possible:
    • You have informed the user that the product or service is either incorrect or hasn’t been received.
    • You have discussed a potential resolution to the issue at hand.
    • If the issue is a bug with the product, ensure you communicate the existence of the bug and show exactly how to replicate it and ask for a fix to be provided.

    What to include​

    If you believe there is no way to proceed without assistance, create a Transaction Dispute and ensure the following is included:
    • Screenshots and/or a recording of the full conversation showing the agreement of the deal, agreed-upon deadlines and any other relevant information.
    • A recording showing the users Discord tag and ID, if the ID is not stated on the user’s BuiltByBit profile.
    • Screenshots of the payment transaction.
    • A thorough description detailing exactly what the transaction was supposed to be and what was not as expected. Please note: if you are uploading videos for evidence, you must write a description of the events, do not narrate over the recording as this cannot be easily referred back on.

    If the transaction took place off-site, please read our wiki regarding Confirming Identities to see how to provide evidence linking the account off-site to the BuiltByBit account.

    Transaction dispute process​

    Once a Transaction Dispute has been submitted, it’s entered into a moderation queue to be checked over and approved once any sensitive information has been omitted from public view.
    The Transaction Arbiter will then ask the involved parties for further information or ask them to comment on the information provided. Each message posted on the Transaction Dispute will be pending moderation until approved by the Transaction Arbiter, meaning you may not see a response straight away. Be patient, respectful, communicative and cooperative to ensure an outcome is reached swiftly.

    Merchant agreement and terms of service​

    Our Merchant Agreement outlines our enforcement policies and how we ensure all parties uphold their responsibilities. If both parties mutually agree upon other terms, this will take precedence over our Merchant Agreement, unless the terms are deemed unfair and/or detrimental.