We expect this endpoint to always return a successful response under nominal conditions.
Use this to assess whether subsequent calls to other endpoints will likely succeed. For example, it would be handy to make a request to this endpoint during the initialisation of a wrapper to verify that a valid authentication token has been provided and that there aren't any temporary internal server or database errors.
Token Type
Private & Shared
GET https://api.builtbybit.com/v1/health
Response Data
A string with content "ok".
List unread alerts
Token Type
GET https://api.builtbybit.com/v1/alerts
POST https://api.builtbybit.com/v1/conversations
Body Parameters
"recipient_ids" - expects an array of member identifiers (non-negative integers)
"title" - expects a string
"message" - expects a string
Response Data
An unsigned integer representing the newly created conversation's identifier.
List replies to an unread conversation
Token Type
GET https://api.builtbybit.com/v1/conversations/{id}/replies
Path Parameters
"id" - expects a conversation identifier (non-negative integer)
Body Parameters
"custom_title" - expects a string, but is optional
"about_me" - expects a string, but is optional
"signature" - expects a string, but is optional
Retrieve information about a member by ID
Token Type
GET https://api.builtbybit.com/v1/members/{id}
Path Parameters
"id" - expects a non-negative integer
GET https://api.builtbybit.com/v1/resources/{r_id}/versions/{v_id}
Path Parameters
"r_id" - a non-negative integer representing the resource's identifier
"v_id" - a non-negative integer representing the version's identifier
GET https://api.builtbybit.com/v1/resources/{r_id}/updates/{u_id}
Path Parameters
"r_id" - a non-negative integer representing the resource's identifier
"u_id" - a non-negative integer representing the update's identifier
GET https://api.builtbybit.com/v1/resources/{r_id}/licenses/{l_id}
Path Parameters
"r_id" - a non-negative integer representing the resource's identifier
"l_id" - a non-negative integer representing the license's identifier
When modifying a license to be permanent, only the 'active' optional body parameter should be set.
When modifying a license to be temporary, only the 'start_date' and 'end_date' optional body parameters should be set.
Path Parameters
"r_id" - a non-negative integer representing the resource's identifier
"l_id" - a non-negative integer representing the license's identifier
Body Parameters
"permanent" - expects a boolean
"active" - optional, expects a boolean
"start_date" - optional, expects a UNIX timestamp
"end_date" - optional, expects a UNIX timestamp
Retrieve a resource license by member
We expect this endpoint to be used in conjunction with our anti-piracy placeholders to ensure that requests attempting to validate a license for a specific purchaser only succeed when we can be confident the request originated from that specific purchaser, and not another member of our platform.
Thus, when making a request to this endpoint via a Shared token type, we require that the "nonce" and "timestamp" anti-piracy placeholders be included as query parameters. These query parameters are ignored when making a request to this endpoint via a Private token type.
Token Type
Private & Shared
GET https://api.builtbybit.com/v1/resources/{r_id}/licenses/members/{m_id}
Path Parameters
"r_id" - a non-negative integer representing the resource's identifier
"m_id" - a non-negative integer representing the member's identifier
Query Parameters
"nonce" - expects a non-negative integer
"date" - expects a UNIX timestamp
POST https://api.builtbybit.com/v1/threads/{id}/replies
Path Parameter
"id" - expects a non-negative integer
Body Parameters
"message" - expects a string
Response Data
An unsigned integer representing the newly created reply's identifier.
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